Lesson Plan: Identification - Science Curriculum
A lesson looking at identification skills
Lesson Plan: Hot Mice - Science Curriculum
A lesson exploring insulation and hibernation
Lesson Plan: Growing - Science Curriculum
A lesson plan to explore growing conditions and how this may effect growth.
Lesson Plan: Food Chains - Science Curriculum
Exploring food chains using natural materials
Lesson Plan: Collection & Classification - Science Curriculum
A lesson plan covering collecting natural items, then classifying them
Lesson Plan: Classification - Science Curriculum
A lesson to explore classification of found natural items
Lesson Plan: Balance Beam - Science Curriculum
A practical activity balancing a range of natural materials
Lesson Plan; Similarities and Differences - Science Curriculum
A lesson to look at the similarities and differences of natural resources
Lesson Plan: Old and New - Science Curriculum
This lesson explores categorising natural resources into old or new
Woolly Caterpillars - Science Curriculum
Group Activity – Active game to play to find out about camouflage and warning colours in nature