Forge Learning Resources

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Year Round Planting - Site Design, Development & Management

Year Round Planting PDF

Sensory garden planting plan, for year round interest.

Smelly Plants & Shrubs - Site Design, Development & Management

Smelly Plants & Shrubs PDF

A List of Smelly Plants and Shrubs, ideal for Sensory Gardens.

Smelly Herbs & Flowers - Site Design, Development & Management

Smelly Herbs & Flowers PDF

A list of Smelly Herbs and Flowers, ideal for Sensory Gardens.

Surveying your Site - Site Design, Development & Management

Surveying your Site PDF

How to survey your site, logging the plants and animals that you find.

Nature in School Grounds - Site Design, Development & Management

Nature in School Grounds PDF

How to encourage and manage wildife in your school grounds.

Keeping Children Safe - Site Design, Development & Management

Keeping Children Safe PDF

How to keep children safe outdoors – what to look out for, and how to help children learn how to stay safe.

Hedgerow Margin Habitat - Site Design, Development & Management

Hedgerow Margin Habitat PDF

How to improve your hedgerow margin habitat.

Gardening for Bats - Site Design, Development & Management

Gardening for Bats PDF

How to encourage and protect bats and plants which provide the best bat habitats.

Caterpillar Food Plants - Site Design, Development & Management

Caterpillar Food Plants PDF

Cultivated and Wild plants which provide food for caterpillars.

Top Plants for Butterflies - Site Design, Development & Management

Top Plants for Butterflies PDF

The top plants to encourage butterflies to your garden.

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