Lesson Plan: Making Shapes in Nature - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Making Shapes in Nature PDF

A challenge to make different shapes using natural materials

Lesson Plan: Make your own Metre Stick - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Make your own Metre Stick PDF

Making your own metre stick and measuring with it. Exploring unit and accuracy.

Lesson Plan: Line Hunt - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Line Hunt PDF

A simple lesson looking for lines in nature

Lesson Plan: Giants Footsteps - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Giants Footsteps PDF

A lesson exploring measurement and distance

Lesson Plan: Finding Patterns in Nature - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Finding Patterns in Nature PDF

A lesson looking for different patterns found in nature

Lesson Plan: Equations with Natural Materials - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Equations with Natural Materials PDF

A lesson exploring solving equations using natural materials to represent numbers

Lesson Plan: Diameter Comparisons - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Diameter Comparisons PDF

A lesson comparing different diameters and measuring

Lesson Plan: Creating your own Patterns - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Creating your own Patterns PDF

A lesson exploring creating your own patterns from natural materials.

Lesson Plan: Collections - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Collections PDF

Make a collection of natural materials to then sort mathematically

Lesson Plan: Colin the Caterpiller - Outdoor Learning Activities

Lesson Plan: Colin the Caterpiller PDF

An active lesson exploring number and pattern by threading