Lesson Plan: Fairy Story told in 60 Seconds - Outdoor Learning Activities

A fun challenge; can you condense a Fairy Story into 60 seconds?
Lesson Plan: Elemental Poetry - Outdoor Learning Activities

Creating poems
Lesson Plan: Make a home for your Woodland Friend - Outdoor Learning Activities

Creating homes for your woodland Friend – a follow up lesson to ‘Make a Woodland Friend’ lesson
Lesson Plan: Alphabet Game - Outdoor Learning Activities

A fun game to play to reinforce the alphabet
Lesson Plan: Above and Below - Outdoor Learning Activities

A creative activity comparing ‘above’ and ‘below’
Lesson Plan: Story Challenge - Outdoor Learning Activities

An outdoor challenge to create a story
Lesson Plan: Massive Mapping - Outdoor Learning Activities

Creating large scale maps from natural resources
Lesson Plan: Land Use and Changes - Outdoor Learning Activities

A lesson looking at different land uses and how these may have changed over time
Lesson Plan: Journey Sticks - Outdoor Learning Activities

A practical mapping activity
Lesson Plan: Geographical Similarities and Differences - Outdoor Learning Activities

A lesson looking at similarities and differences between different geographical locations.