Lesson Plan: Collections - Outdoor Learning Activities

Make a collection of natural materials to then sort mathematically
Lesson Plan: Colin the Caterpiller - Outdoor Learning Activities

An active lesson exploring number and pattern by threading
Lesson Plan: Chalk Walk - Outdoor Learning Activities

An activity using directional language and other great ideas for numeracy with chalks outdoors
Lesson Plan: Blocks on Leaves - Outdoor Learning Activities

A numeracy activity exploring area, counting and estimating
Lesson Plan: Bar Charts - Outdoor Learning Activities

Exploring bar charts using natural resources
Lesson Plan: Balance Beam - Science Curriculum

A practical activity balancing a range of natural materials
Lesson Plan: Addition with Natural Materials - Outdoor Learning Activities

Sums using natural materials to represent number.
A great one for ‘sneaky numeracy’
Find the Treasure - Outdoor Learning Activities

Map reading skills and positional language
Where have I been? - Outdoor Learning Activities

An activity to teach instructional directions
Compass Ventures - Outdoor Learning Activities

Exploring Compass directions