Lesson Plan: Make a Woodland Friend - Outdoor Learning Activities
Create a ‘friend’ and develop a background story for them
Lesson Plan: Tree Poems - Outdoor Learning Activities
Create your own poetry using trees as inspiration
Lesson Plan: Tree Passports - Outdoor Learning Activities
An activity to find your tree and create a story…
Lesson Plan: Journey Sticks - Outdoor Learning Activities
A practical mapping activity
Lesson Plan: Shadow Tracking - Science Curriculum
A lesson exploring shadows and their movement over time
Lesson Plan: Finding Patterns in Nature - Outdoor Learning Activities
A lesson looking for different patterns found in nature
Lesson Plan: Creating your own Patterns - Outdoor Learning Activities
A lesson exploring creating your own patterns from natural materials.
Lesson Plan: Collections - Outdoor Learning Activities
Make a collection of natural materials to then sort mathematically
Lesson Plan: Natural Paints - Outdoor Learning Activities
This lesson explores creating paint from natural resources
Lesson Plan: How People Lived; Plants as Medicines - Outdoor Learning Activities
A lesson exploring a range of medicinal plants as cures for illness